Social media has played a major role in Kenyan politics and has increasingly become an indispensable tool in the political space. Online media relates to news events in the country, with a specific focus on political elections. Its wide reach has rendered it an asset to political leaders who explore it to spread information, for campaign and to mobilize followers during electioneering period. There is wide use of the online media before and during political elections and its influence on shaping the understanding of politics.
The power of social media
According to the World Bank, social media in Kenya has had a significant impact on decision-making, as the number of users has increased in recent years The increase has largely been due to the accessibility of cheap smartphones and subscriptions of citizens to online platforms, which has led to increased political involvement among the youth. Social media reach is greatest among the young voters, who have integrated online platforms more closely into their personal lives. They are attracted to new forms of communication for social interaction and personal gratification. Eye-catching political campaign content can attract their attention as well.
The importance of social media on Kenyan politics
Social media is crucial for political activism in Kenya, with candidates using platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter for endorsements and campaigns. The uptake of social media in Kenya has increased youth participation in voting and has also brought awareness politically to the young majority. It has helped to shape public opinion and promote political agendas of some politicians thus giving those who used it an upper hand over those who did not. There has been an increase in the modern evolution of protests, because of cost-effectiveness and impact. The internet has empowered political activists with limitless options. The use of online platforms has revolutionized social organization by enabling connectivity, planning events, and sharing content not limited to real-time photos of ongoing events. In the 2013 Kenyan elections, social media played a crucial role for political candidates at the parliamentary and civic levels in reaching out to voters.
Digital media has brought more vibrant change in the political sphere in Kenya. Between the period of 2007 and 2022 elections, political gains and challenges have been witnessed in the country. One of the main ways in which social media has revolutionized how election campaigns are being run is through the mobilization of political supporters by candidates and the ability of candidates to get out the vote. During the 2007 elections, some candidates generated discussion and debate, while others faced indifference or resistance. This implies that social media can offer a platform for political discussion, but it does not guarantee engagement or enhance the quality of the political debate in Kenya. Political leaders are using social media to gain support from the youth which has resulted in young Kenyan voters having access to more information and discussion on political issues.
Social media boosts political message reach and eliminates time and location restrictions. It increases voter engagement and learning, making it highly effective in reaching potential voters. Web information-seeking focuses on candidates and issues, highlighting the influence of social media on voting decisions. A political message conveyed by leaders has had an effect, however, influence on political messages requires further understanding. This is important in assessing social media's contribution to Kenyan politics.
The negativity of social media on Kenyan politics
As much as social media has become a preferred channel to reach a wider population by the politicians, social media has also become a powerful tool for disinformation and misinformation to the public.
Politricks, half-truths, and flavored empty promises in smooth talks are peddled online through the existing and most preferred social media channels like: YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and WhatsApp platforms. Social media has thus become a powerful new battleground in electoral politics in Kenya that to some extend has caused more harm than good.
Social media has thus increased citizen knowledge and opened a forum where they can criticize the political bigwigs, promote transparency, and inform public participation. If well utilized, it enables citizen to participate in politics by accessing political information, discussing issues, and holding politicians accountable.
Ndavula, J. O. (2018). Social Media and Political Campaigns in Kenya: An Examination of the Influence of Digital Networking Technologies on Election Processes.
Buchere, D. J. (2014). The impact of social media on Kenya’s presidential election outcome: a study of 2013 presidential elections in Starehe Constituency, Nairobi (Doctoral dissertation, University of Nairobi).
The Star Newspaper Social media role in political disinformation, smear campaigns
Ramadhani, S. & Murimi, B. (2022, January 18). Social media role in political disinformation, smear campaigns. The Star. https://www.the-star.co.ke/news/big-read/2022-01-18-social-media-role-in-political-disinformation-smear-campaigns/
A. R. J. F. The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/the-role-of-media-in-a-kenyan-election-what-you-should-know-188020
Ogola, G. (2022). Social media is being misused in Kenya’s political arena. Why it’s hard to stop it. The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/social-media-is-being-misused-in-kenyas-political-arena-why-its-hard-to-stop-it-177586